Sunday, May 24, 2020

How Will Global Warming Change Earth - 851 Words

In two recent articles published in National Geographic and NASA Earth Observatory, â€Å"Signs From Earth: No Room to Run† and â€Å"How Will Global Warming Change Earth?†, both articles serve to raise the reader’s awareness and challenges us to see deeper into the serious implications global warming has, not only in our lives, but also into the life of our fragile ecosystem as well. And while both articles share a distinct similarity in delivering to a audience a message that is both omniscient and foretelling, National Geographic’s article is more informative than NASA’s Earth Observatory for reasons as they are listed below: ï  ¶ National Geographic’s â€Å"Signs From Earth: No Room to Run† has wider scope for the reader to draw from than NASA’s â€Å"How Will Global Warming Change Earth?†; ï  ¶ There is a greater purpose in National Geographic’s article than in the one by NASA’s Earth Observatory -- which, by the way, does not lead the reader astray with having left behind any unanswered questions; ï  ¶ And finally, â€Å"Signs From Earth: No Room to Run† far outweighed â€Å"How Will Global Warming Change Earth?† in terms of its originality and perspective, plain and simple. An obvious distinction between National Geographic’s, â€Å"Signs From Earth: No Room to Run† and NASA’s Earth Observatory, â€Å"How Will Global Warming Change Earth?† is its scope - which, in the title alone, shows in which direction each article is heading. And it is in this realm that National Geographic does not disappoint.Show MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On Earth1577 Words   |  7 PagesTo sustain life on earth, the earth temperature must be maintain at a very delicate figure. But what if the unthinkable happens? What if the earth’s temperature was to increase by a just mere half a degree, maybe a full or even two or three, the effects could be devastating to the environment, to me and to you. Unfortunately we may have the opportunity to see the effects of the earth temperature rising a few degrees in this lifetime. 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